Sunday, 8 December 2013

Ocassion for One. Party for Two


1. Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.  
2. You will never become who you want to be if you keep blaming everyone else for who you are now.
3. Learn to love yourself first, instead of loving the idea of other people loving you.  
4. Don’t look for someone who will solve all your problems; look for someone who will face them with you.
5. If you expect the world to be fair with you because you are fair, you’re fooling yourself. That’s like expecting the lion not to eat you because you didn’t eat him.
6. No matter how good or bad you have it, wake up each day thankful for your life. Someone somewhere else is desperately fighting for theirs.  
7. You don’t drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.  
8. There are things that we don’t want to happen but have to accept, things we don’t want to know but have to learn, and people we can’t live without but have to let go.
9. Things turn out best for people who make the best out of the way things turn out.
10. If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.


Tuesday, 3 December 2013


Two new designs produced today to celebrate the re-open of the Etsy Shop where I'll (Hopefully!) be adding at least one new design every week to get my little cheeks into gear for doing this properly now!
I'm still on re-doing the PNB Website, where it'll just have the bare information, and I'll keep using the Storenvy Shop & keeping all of my OOAK Upcycled stuff for Etsy.


First up, is a light-reactive new design which features two jellyfish which will glow a greenish hue in the dark when exposed to both artificial & natural light or a prolonged length of time. Surrounding the Jellyfish are tiny bubbles which are silver in true colour, but they will reflect all the colours of the rainbow at every angle when exposed to light (as seen in the pictures). On the back of the neck is the new "Don't touch the Moon Clover" PNB Logo in Hot Pink (Which also glows under UV light!). I'm going to reserve the UV-reactive vinyls for this logo on any light-reactive black shirts. 


Next, is a psychedelic Magic Mushrooms design on a fitted white long-sleeve from dead stock which I've had when ASDA used to supply them a LONG time ago. If it gets popular, I'll source some for regular stock as I'm growing quite fond of the the Spectrum vinyl effect on white garments! Design is also light-reactive, and features three cute Mushrooms which are silver in true colour, but they will reflect all the colours of the rainbow at every angle when exposed to light (as seen in the pictures). On the back of the neck is the "Don't touch the Moon Clover" PNB Logo in Black.

Friday, 29 November 2013


This Year...? THIS YEAR?? ;)


We're celebrating Christmas a little early this year, as Becky & I are (Hopefully - Work permitting!) heading down South to spend it with our Mam and her partner. Becky chose the tinsel on my first Christmas Tree of Singledom - I only bothered with one set of Fairy Lights on the wall last year with the Parent's splitting up after 33 years together, and was 'Saving' the Tree at their House so my Dad wouldn't be on his own - (I think she modeled the colours on her hair!) and it's glowing away quite cheerily of an evening, combined with a million tealight candles and a Disney movie ♥


I got a slight case of the pre-festive Single's Blues whilst nipping into town yesterday, so nicking Jennifer's wig and arseing about for a while... ("SLAM YA BODY DOWN AND WIND IT ALL AROUND! SLAM YA BODY DOWN AND ZIG-A-ZAY AHHH!") ...seemed like the best antidote ^.^


Watched "13 Wishes" very recently, and treated myself to a Ghoul's Night Out Lagoona to celebrate the release - She could do with a good party after becoming and then retracting from being a Freshwater creature to please Gil's Parents - Don't change for any Man, Ladies!


Me Girls ♥


Experimental Bailey's & Chocolate Cheesecake. Baking & giving it away is good for the Soul. Less Landslide-y next time, add Gelatin & maybe not-so-much Bailey's :D


Allie makes another appearance in the Scrapbook!

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Reclamation Project: Damaged Canvas Print to Calender/Recipe Board


Take one Lager-damaged generic motivational canvas print:


Add Scissors, Coloured Pencils, Pritt Stick, a few crafty bits, and a Cake Calender, flip 90 degrees and...


The Canvas is actually strong enough to hold slips of paper as a notice board, but I didn't want holes all over the place. I created a pocket - modeled here by a Buffy Fanfic about Selkies and the one Animal Arc book I own for Nostalgia's sake ^.^ - by stapling an A4 piece of foam together and attached it with these cute Ladybird pins as a separate Recipe Card holder. The original Calender bits are also there on the opposite side held on a ribbon as it was a shame to bin them.

Saturday, 16 November 2013



I finally finished a Collage project the other day that I'd started last year about a very intense and very spurned affection, and why you should keep a ring of barbed wire around yourself at all times.

Text reads:  

"I've been trying to find the way to tell you that I love you all year.  

Happiness is a thousand stars exploding in a glass universe when she appears to him. He is a dense and isolated Forest in Winter and she, a black butterfly in a pleochroic box. Her kaleidoscope gently touches his ice and they become twin suns which meet as equals at Dawn and part at Dusk. Their mould only produced one complimentary pair.  

Autumn's fierce rainstorms made her wilt and fade with the waning light. She sought comfort and oblivion and sank to the bottom of every bottle she tried to escape in. He surrounded himself in cinereal clouds until he could bear it no longer and pattered out that very irst gentle word. Her rainbow flickered and sparked after being left outside too long. He took his bright key and set her free.  
Trading their friendship at the instant he unlocked her. 
 His white flames destroyed her prison and engulfed her black butterfly wings. She disappeared with the flowers.  

Silence afterwards across a desolate plane as the stormclouds rolled ahead to blanket everything in sadness. She held her heart in her mouth and banished all interest, saving her lock for his key only. He was cruel - in his selfishness and sexual arrogance, he put his key elsewhere and kissed other girls as her devoted, heart-shaped cloud decended on him. A coward is the Man who invokes a Woman's love without acting upon it.

She burst into flames, her heart amputated, and grew long teeth and claws to bite ad scratch all who came near. Her chest an open wound that refused to heal.

 A year since he left. No flowers. No Sun and No Smiles. She heals anyway - he'd have only skull-fucked and screamed at her anyway - wanting her body instead of her mind. He is undeserving of the butterflies love and the abundance in which it was given, and he was certainly too selfish to love her back. Because he neither loves himself nor allows himself to love. She wasted many tears, but will never again. She places her heart in a box guarded by thorns and snakes - secure that it will be broken no more."


Sunday, 10 November 2013



Despite being knocked on my arse all day with an *extremely* upset tummy bug, I've managed to cut out and colour in a daft badge to cover most of the rain damage on a cupcake picture I bought a few weeks ago...


...and designed/made a new T-shirt! I still have a bunch of custom orders to crack on with, but there's no way I'm touching them today and risking spraying my germs all over them, especially as some are for newborn babies and Merch Stalls >.< 
I think the worse part about being Uncoupled is having to be your own Nurse when you're Ill - Poor Twylla didn't know what was going on when I was leaving teeth marks in the Toilet Seat at 3am, or the loud swearing this morning when I was scrubbing vomit from the bedroom carpet - Haha! I've never been ill on my own before :/ Tried picking up my Guitar for a bit of practice (I HATE Lazy and Poorly days!) and dropped my nice Nylon Plectrum inside of it. Failing to get it out - I gave up >.<


I'm in Love with my new Labels though ♥ 
Everytime I feel like giving up on Planet Neon Bunny, someone abroad orders a bunch of my designs and eggs it on to keep going. I bought Jennifer a few months ago to encourage me to get more into my own Designs, and she's coming home tomorrow after she went on loan to Becky for a College Fashion Show project last month: (I totally got Cool Big Sister Points for this!)


Becky is my pierced, tattooed, artistically gifted, creative, blue-haired, 18-year-old little sister (8 years my Junior) whom I love dearly and unashamedly spoil at every opportunity. It was weird enough growing up as an Oddball in my family, but it's even weirder having someone of the same ingredients who is exactly like you. I beg for a Painting every Christmas & Birthday, and already have several of hers up in the Flat. She's a proper little Corker ♥
This is Jennifer:


She is bloody gorgeous! ♥ I've missed her, even though she's half-naked outside my Supervision these days ;)


Seeing as we're off on a Creative Mission, I'll finish by introducing my cartoon, prettier, more-assertive avatar "Allie" and her recent appearance in my Scrapbook:


Friday, 8 November 2013

Chocolate Flapjack


I've recently taken up Baking... ...And discovered that I'm actually quite good at it ♥  
GCSE Food Tech was indeed not so much of a failure after all...Take your 'D' and have it with custard, Miss Simpson, you Witch!!
It's really weird, but since I left home 8 years ago, I'd never made Cakes up until a few weeks ago when I went Mad Scientist in my kitchen with cinnamon buttercream, heart sprinkles, chocolate shavings and cocoa powder for two dozen Fairycakes which I then gave to my very appreciative nearest & dearest, who will now get fat instead of me - Mwaa haa haa! The next week, I dragged my bum out of bed to fetch Dandelions for Twylla from down the Dene next to where I live and hunted Blackberries to make a Fruit Crumble (Cheating with mixing a carton of mixed forest berries from ALDI in there because the Blackberry season was almost over - I know where the best spots are now though!) which I was well pleased with :D Next week is Cheesecake week! My newly-Christened Baking cupboard is now decently stocked - trying not to get too carried away with it and ending up with a few 25-stone friends by Christmas - Haha!


175g/6oz Butter
175g/6oz Golden syrup
175g/6oz Sugar
350g/12oz Porridge Oats

[★] Preheat Oven to 150C/300F/Gas 2. Lubricate (Heh!) & line a 20cm/8in square baking tin with baking paper. I also did Mini-Flapjacks in cupcake cases!
[★] Melt the butter in a medium pan over a low heat. Add the golden syrup and sugar to the liquid butter and heat gently.
[★] Once the sugar is dissolved, remove the pan from the heat and stir in the porridge oats with a pinch of cinammon. You can also add chocolate drops, Peanuts or anything else you fancy at this point.
[★] Pack the mixture into the baking tin and squash down. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes, and cool.

FOR THE TOPPING, which also did a few Cupcake Flapjacks, I used:

1 Bar cooking Milk Chocolate
1/2 Bar Cadbury's Oreo Milk Chocolate.
1 pot Double Cream. Raspberries.
For most of the Cupcakes to contrast [ Chocolate tends to 'shrink' when it's being used on a Cake ;) ], I used white Chocolate for the Topping, Strawberries (Smarties would look awesome too!) instead of Raspberries and grating milk Chocolate over the lot.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Danger - 10,000ft Drop


Intimacy is touching the water inside a goldfish bowl - fresh, clear, comfort liquid sharply becoming stale, cold, invasive and tainted with the presence of things or people we can neither understand or come to Love. A flash of bright promise from the side of a Goldfish in a ray of Sunlight to suddenly become a blunt and burned Orange shying safely into the dark, away from all contact.
Leave me be, for I adore my bubble of Silence & Isolation.

Don't say it with Flowers

Sleaze. Creep. Control Freak. Possessive. Alcoholic. Self-Deprecating. Obese. Smarmy. Clingy. Money-obsessed. Boring. Ignorant. Desperate. STOP-FUCKING-TOUCHING-ME! Looking to get his Cheb wet. Bad personal hygiene. Greasy. Megalomaniac. Drug Abuser. Convict. No Ambition. Only-messages-when-he’s-drunk. GET-THE-FUCK-AWAY-FROM-ME!
Dating still sucks.
And I am surrounded by Morons.
I continue to buy the more expensive Flowers I like!

Monday, 21 October 2013



I've always had a bit of a thing for Ragdolls since picking up Korn's 'Issues' album as a teenager, and always pondered why they never released an accompanying female in the Doll version - until I realised what it actually was and therefore didn't have a gender in the first place. Oops :/
Here's my little versions - digging through the crude pencil loose sheets I've kept for years, finishing them off and giving them all a home together. I actually stitched a few as a young girl - maybe I'll pick my sewing box up again one of these days...

Ragdolls are perfect Microcosms of people. One careless rip and all of the stuffing falls out, despite our Facebook Immortality Complexes.


 I fancied a walk through the Park on the way home from Work yesterday, and walked alongside it after finding it prematurely locked against the annual Pre-Guy Fawkes's Night mischief. Under a Streetlight that didn't work, a very fast, very bright and very streamlined creature that looked like a Hare crossed my path in a blur. It was barely there for a second.

You need to get yourself to bed, I thought, but googled the meaning of seeing a Hare, as I've been dabbling in Spiritualism and symbols for a while, and Reception is up now that I'm not living in a haze of Booze.

Hare's are quite different from Rabbits, acting as Messengers from different realms and are considered both Welcome and a Warning as they portray many things. They're considered to represent Intuition, Adaptability, Transformation, Lucky Coincidences, having the accurate feeling about something and New Beginnings but also warn of delusions, deceptions and of bad habits or fears that hold us back and make us unable to move forward. In my case, it's probably a reminder to stay away from Alcohol and the carnage that occurs afterwards.
 I'm having a Spiritual Reading on Saturday, so I'll let you know how that goes ;)

Friday, 18 October 2013

Don't let the Rainbow fool you

As part of this Life Coaching type of carry on, one of the many things breaking the negative repetitive behaviours, the degenerate dependencies (People & Substances), keeping me away from the inside of the bottle and (hopefully) rewiring me into a mature, responsible, sophisticated model citizen is picking up the Happy Scrapbook again!

I put this together last night, using two drawings in the long-abandoned WIP pile and lost three hours finishing it after "Oh, I'll have a faff for half an hour..." ;)


Scrapbook page detailing substance abuse and escapism.
Mixed Media includes a Lambrini bottle top, a Joint containing Parsley, a Baggie containing more Parsley, heart confetti & iridescent glitter. Band-aid displays some questionable fragments I found under the Couch. Everything drawn, coloured, cut, glued and sellotaped by me!


This little character is a glorified & prettier representation based on what I used to look like.
Here's me, a little over two years ago at size 18-20 - At my heaviest, my most miserable and probably the furthest into the Void I've ever been:

That Shirt is like a dress on me now, I wear it as a Nightie these days :)

Me now, a trim size 12-14:

And probably the Happiest I've ever been!